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Guest Speaker at The Houses of Parliament for River Action Charter..

4th July 2023

Thank you to River Action UK for asking me to be a guest speaker at Parliament for #CharterForRivers talking alongside Baroness Jones and MP Philip Dunne,

It was a huge success and it was brilliant to have MPs, NGOs and campaigners together to tackle the crisis facing our rivers.

Tonight proved that collaboration is key if we want to see change. Together, we can #rescuebritainsrivers

Please join us by signing our petition, which calls for ALL political parties to act now, and to act boldly, to rescue our rivers for people and nature: #Rescueourrivers

It was good to catch up with Feargal Sharkey , Henley mermaids swim sisters , British canoeing, British Swimming,Wildlife trust ,Bat protection society. Welsh river union

Anyone that doesn’t respect Nature and our rivers and disagrees with the law of the land in protecting our ecosystems should not be in Power!


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