I was invited to Westminster on the 8th February 2023 to give Evidence of Pollution in our Rivers and Coastal Waters. MPs From the Welsh affairs committee listened and asked questions.

On my Panel was Chair of Surfers against Sewage Jon Khoo and Chief Executive of River Trust Gail Davies-Walsh .
It was a daunting task but I so hope my honesty and passion showed through. After watching first hand how our Rivers and coastal waters are being used as open sewers by all , I can not stand by and allow this disrespect for our beautiful Natural resources to continue.
My Office and Playground for over 40 years the Wonderful Wye is Close to ecological collapsed due to intensive poultry farming and sewage. This River crosses borders and deserves Government to act imediately before its lost completely
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Polluters need to be held to account and Our Welsh Rivers and Coastlines as Well as the Whole of the UK NEED URGENT ACTION BY GOVERNMENT.
To see my evidence click here
For full evidence hearing click here